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Writer's picture: Stärk FitnessStärk Fitness

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

High impact strategies that will help you feel great, lose weight, build muscle and regain your confidence. #thecaloriefix


#1 Use Lose It! To Track Your Calories & Macronutrient Intake

#2 Learn How To Prepare Your Own Meals In Under 12 Minutes

#3 Grow It, Pick It, Kill It -- Eat It!

CALORIES IN (simplified)

Calories In is the single most important factor contributing to energy balance & manipulating body composition. Up to 70% of all ingested calories are metabolized at rest (Basal Metabolic Rate). The rest of the ingested daily calories are used primarily to support physical activity & recovery from the imposed demand.

To determine your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, use this Calculator

This is important: Understand that these "Calories In" represent only a starting point. You will need to restrict or add calories based on your strength, energy, weight adjustment, body composition & goals.


When adjusting your Calories In: it is generally recommended you increase or decrease by 300kcals Daily.


1 Gram of Carbohydrates = 4kcals

1 Gram of Protein = 4kcals

1 Gram of Fat = 9kcals

1 Gram of Alcohol = 7kcals

Whether a person decides to consume High Carbohydrate/Low Fat or Low Carbohydrate/High Fat is really a matter of personal preference. As a recommendation, why not try a Balanced Approach? Again, this will largely depend on a person's activity level & the type of activity they are forced to recover from. Below, we've provided a starting point that will provide optimal protein intake for the preservation of muscle tissue, optimal fat intake for sustaining general health, and the optimal carbohydrate intake for optimizing anaerobic physical activity.

45% Carbohydrates

30% Protein

25% Fat


For the purpose of demonstration, let's say your Total Daily Energy Expenditure is 2000kcals. That is how many calories your body requires to sustain all daily activity.

Multiply 2000 by 45% = 900kcals from Carbohydrates

Divide 1000kcals by 4 = 225 Grams

Multiply 2000 by 30% = 600kcals from Protein

Divide 600kcals by 4 = 150 Grams

Multiply 2000 by 25% = 500kcals from Fat

Divide 1000kcals by 9 = 55 Grams

Let's say you can committ to eating 4 meals per day. Simply, divide the number of Grams above by 4. This will help you identify how much food is required at each meal (56g Carbohydrates, 37g Protein, 13g Fat)

This is important: when performing this activity a person quickly appreciates how much energy is required for maintaining vigorous physical activity in addition to simply sustaining normal bodily functions.


Calculate your TDEE

Download The Lose It! App

Using the 45/30/25 Macronutrient Formula Suggestion, Calculate How Many Grams of Carbohydrates, Protein & Fat You Need To Sustain Daily Activity


Macronutrients provide instructions that evoke different hormone response in our body. For example: Two people ingesting the same type and amount of Carbohydrates may experience differing Insulin Release and Blood Sugar Levels. The same two people ingesting the same type and amount of Protein may experience differing mTOR Activation. Another factor in how the body metabolizes and uptakes Calories and Macronutrients is the bacteria found in our Digestive System. The point is clear: there are many factors that determine how a person metabolizes and uptakes the nutrients found in food.

Tracking Calories & Macronutrients is simply a starting point! Adjustments to Food Types, Food Quality & Food Quantity will change based on your circumstances and goals. Identify the foods that make you feel lively and energetic. Remove the foods that stress your digestive system and make you feel lethargic. Try new foods. And stick to foods that you can grow, pick & kill.


© 2023 Stärk Fitness

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